Our article “COCONUT 2.0: an updated collection of open natural products with enhanced curation and accessibility” has been published in Nucleic Acids Research. In this work, we present a major update of the COlleCtion of Open Natural prodUcTs (COCONUT) database, which has been one of the largest open natural product databases since its initial launch in 2021. The platform aggregates available natural product datasets and provides comprehensive information including chemical structures, names and synonyms, species and organism data, geographical collection information, and literature references where available. The updated version features a completely rewritten web application with enhanced functionality, newly assembled and extensively curated data, and new features enabling user submissions and community curation. Users can perform various searches through the platform’s interface, including text-based queries, structure searches, substructure analysis, and similarity searches. The database content is freely available for bulk download in multiple formats, including SDF, CSV, and complete database dumps, while the web application remains open-source. All the resources can be found at the following links:
- Code availability: https://github.com/Steinbeck-Lab/coconut
- Documentation: https://steinbeck-lab.github.io/coconut/
- Database access: https://coconut.naturalproducts.net
Venkata Chandrasekhar, Kohulan Rajan, Sri Ram Sagar Kanakam, Nisha Sharma, Viktor Weißenborn, Jonas Schaub, Christoph Steinbeck, COCONUT 2.0: a comprehensive overhaul and curation of the collection of open natural products database, Nucleic Acids Research, 2024;, gkae1063, https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkae1063