Felix Bänsch is a joint PhD student of Prof. Dr. Christoph Steinbeck at the Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena and Prof. Dr. Achim Zielesny at the Westphalian University of Applied Sciences in Recklinghausen.

After graduating from high school, he became a mechatronics engineer and worked in this field for several years. In 2013 he started studying at the Westphalian University of Applied Sciences, where he graduated with a Bachelor’s degree. Strengthened by his work with Prof. Dr. Zielesny and his new passion, bio- and cheminformatics, he also completed his master’s degree at the Westphalian University of Applied Sciences. He worked in his thesis at Gesellschaft für naturwissenschaftliche Informatik mbH, where he developed a decision support program for acute lymphoblastic leukemia diagnostics.

In 2019, he joined the group of Prof. Dr. Steinbeck at Friedrich-Schiller-University, Jena, Germany and the group of Prof. Dr. Zielesny at Westphalian University of Applied Sciences, Recklinghausen, Germany. Currently he is working towards his PhD thesis.

Besides science, he is passionate about sports. In addition to martial arts and fitness, he enjoys mountain biking and bouldering.